It’s February and I’m exhausted. For my family, spontaneity rules from the end of October to the end of January. Like many people, we celebrate Halloween, then Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. Plus, starting the day after Christmas, we have a birthday celebration every two weeks until the end of January. While partying for 3 months sounds like fun (and it is), by January I feel tapped out physically, mentally and financially.

Don’t get me wrong, I like spontaneity--after I’ve accomplished everything on my “To Do” list, which is almost never. I’m still working on allowing myself to be spontaneous more often, but I also know that when it comes to getting work done, routine is my best friend, especially morning routines. For me, it’s a form of self-care.
Last week, I was finally able to get back into some of the routines that help me meet my work, family and personal obligations. I feel some of the energy and creativity easing back into my body and mind. I’m starting to feel like ME again.

This month, my blog posts will be centered around self-care. My routine is a large part of my self-care; it keeps me sane and I’m a lot more relaxed and pleasant to be around.
When I am going through major life transitions, I sometimes need to write down my daily routines, just to ensure I don’t forget things like picking the kids up from school. The act of writing helps me remember what I need to do; sometimes once I’ve written down a routine, it’s etched in my mind and I don’t need to look at it again.
However, when I’m really busy or focused on a project, I sometimes need to write down even the simplest tasks and refer to them a few days in a row before I can actually do the routine without a reminder. I confess, at one point in my life I arrived at work a couple of times without having brushed my hair, so I wrote down “BRUSH YOUR HAIR” as part of my morning routine.
Currently, my morning routine is
· Workout
· Shower and dress
· Breakfast and Tea—every morning I try to spend at least 30 quiet minutes enjoying tea and jotting down my tasks for the day
· Clean the kitchen—I don’t want to face a sink full of dirty dishes when I’m about to prepare dinner later in the day

Then I take 5 minutes before I focus on work to read something inspirational related to my work and smell rosemary essential oil, which has been shown to enhance memory.
For me, routine helps me organize my time so that I accomplish my goals. But more importantly it allows me to be fully present whether I’m working or spending time with family and friends.
Share what you do to promote your own self-care on our Facebook page:
On Sunday, February 16, my new (and first) online wellness course for healthcare professionals will begin. Later this week, I’ll open up registration for the course. I’ve been gearing up for this for several months and I’m really excited to work with this remarkable group of people.
Self-care is a large component of my new course that begins in a couple of weeks. Many healthcare professionals are so busy working and taking care of other people that they often put aside their own needs. Sometimes it’s necessary, but when it becomes a regular occurrence, the personal neglect takes a toll on physical, mental and emotional well-being. The goal of the self-care component will be to help each individual incorporate self-care as part of a daily routine.