
Founder & CEO
Don Francis
Keep water bottle with water, tea or flavored water as accessible as possible (work station at work or a safe place that you frequently pass by; when not at work—keep with you or in a place that you frequent throughout the day; when running errands, keep in the vehicle with you).

QA Specialist
Andrew Cole
If you’re not already drinking 48-64oz fluid daily
Keep water bottle with water, tea or flavored water as accessible as possible (work station at work or a safe place that you frequently pass by; when not at work—keep with you or in a place that you frequent throughout the day; when running errands, keep in the vehicle with you).
Make it easy to track your fluids—
Drink out of a measured bottle (16, 24, or 32oz). If you fill up a 24oz bottle and take it to work with you and drink two bottles, then you know you’ve gotten 48oz fluid without having to do a lot of counting.
Keep fluids as accessible as possible; you’ll be more likely to drink them if they’re easy to get to.
Even if you can’t get at least 48oz/day at first, any increase is better than none.
Try to include vegetables and fruits with every snack/meal (these generally have more water content than other foods like meats, nuts and grains). It’s difficult and tedious to track the fluid from them but simply including a “juicy” food with a meal or snack adds some fluid to your diet and can help you feel less thirsty.
Don’t try to guzzle as much liquid as you can at one time or you may feel bloated and sluggish until the fluid moves through your system
If you’re already drinking 64oz water/fluids on work days and you still feel dehydrated, get a check-up to make sure there are no illnesses causing the dehydration. If everything looks good, then try to add strategies above.
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